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Life After Breast Cancer: Embracing Change and Growth

Updated: Aug 6

For many of us, our cancer journey doesn't end with the final treatment. In fact, it's common for breast cancer survivors to feel compelled to make significant changes in their lives after overcoming this formidable challenge. From reassessing relationships to re-evaluating careers and lifestyle choices, the experience of going through breast cancer can inspire a profound change.


Experiencing breast cancer treatment can feel isolating, even with a supportive network around. Survivors often notice changes in their relationships, with some friendships fading due to the difficulty of the situation, and others strengthening as family members offer consistent care and solace.

Post-treatment, breast cancer survivors often feel the need to take a closer look at our relationships and determine which ones are truly nourishing us. You may find tyourself more selective about the people you choose to keep in your inner circle, focusing on those who offer genuine empathy, understanding and support. Letting go of toxic or draining relationships can be an important part of the healing process, creating space for more meaningful connections.

Additionally, you may feel a stronger desire to prioritise quality time with loved ones, recognising the preciousness of each moment. This could mean making more effort to schedule regular date nights with your partner, plan family outings, or simply be fully present during interactions rather than feeling distracted or preoccupied.


Surviving breast cancer can also prompt you to re-evaluate your career or professional goals. For some of us, the experience of facing mortality head-on may inspire a desire for more fulfilling work that aligns with your values and passions. You may decide to make a career change, change to part-time hours, or start that business you've always wanted to!

Or you may have found that returning to your previous role after treatment is challenging, whether due to physical limitations, brain fog or achange in how you handle stress or pressure. This can lead to looking for new job opportunities that better accommodate your needs post-cancer, such as positions with remote work options, reduced schedules, or more generous sick leave policies.

Importantly, breast cancer survivors should be aware of their rights in the workplace. Consulting with an employment lawyer can help you navigate these complex legal waters and advocate for the support they require. Macmillan has some fantastic advice on this, check it out here.

Lifestyle Choices

Perhaps the most widespread change among breast cancer survivors involves a re-evaluation of overall lifestyle choices. Many of us emerge from their battle with a renewed appreciation for our health and a strong desire to make positive changes to prevent future health issues.

This can manifest in a wide range of ways, from adopting healthier eating habits and implementing an exercise routine, to reducing stress levels through practices like meditation or yoga. We may also be more proactive about seeking regular check-ups and screenings, mindful of the importance of early detection.

Beyond physical health, after cancer we often feel motivated to introduce more balance, joy, and meaning into our daily lives. This could involve picking up a new hobby, traveling to destinations on our bucket list, or setting aside dedicated time for self-care activities. By consciously choosing to prioritise wellbeing, you can cultivate a greater sense of fulfilment and resilience.

The Path Forward

Ultimately, the changes that we choose to make in our lives after treatment are deeply personal and may evolve over time. The key is to approach this time with self-compassion, patience, and an openness to explore what truly nourishes your body, mind, and spirit.

By re-evaluating our lives, we can emerge from our cancer journey with a renewed sense of purpose, a deeper appreciation for life, and a steadfast commitment to living each day to the fullest. It's a transformative process that not only benefits the individual, but also has the power to inspire and uplift those around you!

Get in touch with me to find out how I can help you on this journey.

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