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Move forward with...

Beyond Breast Cancer Coach

Life coaching for breast cancer survivors who have finished treatment and are looking for support with moving forward in life with purpose and positivity.


Let's turn 'What Now' into 'What's Next'!

The Breast cancer Survivor Coach - Kirstie Blanchette
Breast Cancer Now
Association for Coaching
Wellness Professionals at Work

Hi, I'm Kirstie Blanchette...

...and I am a breast cancer survivor. Having been diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, I know how it feels to have survived the physical and emotional rollercoaster of cancer and come out the other end left with a feeling of What Now?


Surviving cancer impacted my life in a profound way. I had hoped I could just slot back into my old life but I actually  found the process of adjusting to my 'new normal' tough and confusing. I just felt lost and stuck. 






Sound familiar?


 Since then I've made it my mission to support women to feel empowered to live life after breast cancer with a renewed sense of purpose and joy.





Making choices for your future

How can Coaching help?

You are now out of the regular cycles of treatment and hospital visits, which can leave you feeling abandoned and confused as to what to do next. Cancer often impacts our confidence in life and in ourselves.


Coaching provides a supportive, empathetic and non-judgemental partnership, where together we look at where you are now, how your values & priorities may have changed since your diagnosis, what your hopes and dreams are for your life going forward and how you can get to where you want to be.

Common Coaching Themes

Hot flushes

As a qualified Menopause Wellness Practitioner, I will empower you to get informed and take control of your health and wellbeing.


How has your cancer journey left you feeling about your career or work/life balance going forward?

Self love
Body Image

Cancer treatment often leaves us with changes to our body and how we perceive ourselves.


Cancer can profoundly impact relationships with family, friends, and partners. 

Physical activity
Lifestyle Changes

Surviving cancer can naturally lead to a focus on your health and wellbeing going forward.

Anxiety and low mood
Anxiety & Low Mood

You've been through a lot and it can take a real toll on your mental health.

Is my service right for you?

It helps to be at least 6 months out of active treatment

It takes time to process the emotional impact of what you have been through. If you feel you need to first address any psychological and emotional issues stemming from your cancer experience, I would advise seeking help from a licensed counsellor or psychotherapist.


Commitment and Dedication

Most importantly, getting the most out of coaching requires an open mind, commitment and a willingness to make positive changes. This is an opportunity to set goals, rediscover your passions, and take steps to live the fulfilling life you deserve. Be ready to reflect deeply, face challenges, and commit to the process. Bring honesty about where you are now and where you want to go, as well as courage to step outside your comfort zone. 


Make sure counselling would not be more appropriate

Coaching is focused on moving forward and looking at your goals for your future. It is so important to honour what has happened to you and if you need support processing your emotions around this first, I would encourage seeking professional counselling support.


The Difference between Counselling and Coaching

How counselling is different to coaching for breast cancer survivors

For cancer survivors seeking support, counselling and coaching offer distinct approaches. Counsellors will typically discuss emotions, coping strategies, and mental health concerns related to the cancer experience. It aims to provide a safe space to process feelings and develop healthy ways of managing stress and difficult emotions.


Coaching focuses more on moving forward in a positive direction. A coach helps clarify priorities, break down goals into achievable steps, and find motivation to make lifestyle changes that support healing and personal growth. While counselling deals with the inner emotional world, coaching propels you into purposeful outer action.

Useful Links: 

Mind - mental heath support and resources
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Client Testimonials

Louise M

Kirstie encouraged me to take a step back, take a breath and just think about my life now and how I would like it to look in the future. Kirstie was calm and non-judgemental and after each session I felt as though I had not only been heard, but actually listened to.

Lydia T

I always left my coaching sessions feeling empowered and happier, no matter what was discussed, which in my opinion was amazing as I can find positivity hard to focus on.

Jane G

Kirstie's personal experience pays off, the empathy she shows helped me have faith and the conviction to strive forward, I really do think these sessions are a vital part of the cancer survivor pathway.

My Qualifications

  • QCF Level 5 Integrated Diploma in Wellness & Resilience Coaching

  • Macmillan HOPE course facilitator

  • Breast Cancer Now Moving Forward course facilitator

  • Menopause Wellness Practitioner diploma

  • Macmillan Supporting Cancer Care programme

  • Over 300 hours of coaching experience

  • Member of the Association of Coaching


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